The Books app is a project developed to manage library resources efficiently,
combining a Flask API server with Flask-SQLAlchemy on a SQLite database for the backend,
and HTML with JavaScript for the frontend.
App Package Modules: Initializes app configurations and instances. Contains server endpoints. Implements SQLAlchemy models, including relationships, join tables, class initialization, and instance methods. Handles authentication, including signup, login, and endpoint protection logic. Manages image-related tasks such as extension validation, resizing, saving, and secure file naming. Utility functions for various tasks.
Implementations & Features:
Run Configuration: Configures the app for development or production environments.
Flask-JWT: Implements JWT-based authentication for protected endpoints.
Protected Endpoints: Ensures certain endpoints are only accessible with a valid JWT token.
Protected URLs: Secures HTML pages, allowing only logged-in users to access them fully or redirecting them to the login page.
Stay Login: Manages JWT token expiration, automatically redirecting users to the login page when expired.
Real-Time User Account Deactivation & Token Expiry Handling: Ensures users are logged out immediately upon account deactivation or token expiration.
IC Logger: Logs login events to a log.txt file.
User Credentials Levels: Implements different levels of user credentials, including customer, desk, admin, and root.
Custom App Alert Messages: Provides customized alert messages for user interactions.
Browser Alert: Confirms user account deletion.
User Input Validation: Validates user input both on the server and client sides, particularly in the signup and add_book features.
Toastify: Displays notifications, particularly in the add book feature.
Favicon: Includes a favicon for the web app.
Responsive App Icon: Provides a responsive app icon that navigates to the home page.
Unit Tests: Includes unit tests, particularly for the root superuser.
Skills Demonstrated:
The Books app showcases proficiency in Flask for backend development and HTML/JavaScript for frontend development.
As a junior developer, this project has allowed me to gain hands-on experience with these technologies while implementing various features and best practices.